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Since your class the other week, I feel different. I’ve never done breathwork before so I didn’t know what to expect, but everyday after your class I noticed myself feeling lighter and more energized. Exhaustion is something I’ve been struggling w for a long time and it was so heavy it started to get in the way of my daily living. now I realize that a lot of that was emotional baggage I’ve carried over the years. I’m happy that your class has helped release some of that and process of letting go feels a little easier today. Thank you for doing what u do it’s so needed.

Sandy Williams



Since your class the other week, I feel different. I’ve never done breathwork before so I didn’t know what to expect, but everyday after your class I noticed myself feeling lighter and more energized. Exhaustion is something I’ve been struggling w for a long time and it was so heavy it started to get in the way of my daily living. now I realize that a lot of that was emotional baggage I’ve carried over the years. I’m happy that your class has helped release some of that and process of letting go feels a little easier today. Thank you for doing what u do it’s so needed.


" -Still feeling immense gratitude for this beautiful experience.Nadia, your energy is so powerful and an absolute gift to this world. You are transforming lives and your hard work and intentionality can not be appreciated enough. Thank you for creating a space where community can be felt, emotions can be let out, nature can be experienced, laughter can be shared, and body’s can find healing. Thank you thank you!"


"Nadia thank you so much for providing a safe space and guiding my healing journey. I have never felt so liberated. I left all my pain, resentment, and anger in your beautiful garden, and I feel like a brand new person. If you’re ready for level 10 healing, then I highly recommend doing Breathwork! You won’t regret it! Nadia is the best guide, and her presence/energy is magic! "

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